Tanya Montenegro’s husband handles complaint of non-payment of gold jewellery

Tania lives with her husband Yunnarin Canales and their three sons: Abel, 12, Moisés, 9, and the youngest, Elias, 2. The family has lived in the Oscar Gamez neighborhood all their lives. Twelve years ago, when Tania and Yunnarin got married, they bought a small plot of land in the same neighborhood and built a new house.

Daily lifeTanya Montenegro's

Tania’s husband is a security guard, while Tania is a dedicated homemaker. “I have to do the laundry, cook, and get the kids ready for school every day,” Tania says. She takes great pride in maintaining their home, mopping the floors every day to keep them clean and beautiful. This pride and care for her home reflects her commitment to providing a great environment for her family.

Housing battle

Despite Tanya and Yunerling’s hard work, their family still faced serious challenges. “When the TECHO girls came to visit us, our house had already fallen apart. It was made of rotten wood, and during the rainy season we had to walk in the mud,” Tanya recalls. The house was dilapidated and life was difficult, especially for the children.

It was through her sons, Moises and Abel, that Tania’s plight came to the attention of TECHO, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving housing conditions for low-income families. The two boys became friends with TECHO volunteers while playing in their neighborhood, and one of the volunteers, Michel, took an interest in their situation.

TECHO Intervention

Michelle visited Tanya’s home, assessed their living conditions, and assured them that TECHO would look into their case. “I pray that this happens as soon as possible, before the rainy season arrives,” Tanya said. In March 2013, Michelle returned with good news: TECHO would help the family build a new house.

Tania and Yunerling were so happy that they immediately started saving money for the construction. TECHO volunteers visited them regularly and taught them how to save money and make it last longer. The family had saved the required funds within a month.

Community Efforts

On the day of construction, TECHO coordinated the delivery of materials, and Yunerling and other neighbors helped transport all the materials to the construction site. The community came together, and neighbors helped each other complete the construction. Tania helped prepare lunch for everyone, and Yunerling participated in the construction. Their children were very excited to see the volunteers working on their new home.

Transformation of life

The new house has greatly improved the quality of life for the whole family. “The first major change for me is seeing the children spending more time at home,” said Tanya. Before, the children didn’t like to stay at home because there was not enough space and they were not comfortable enough. They often ran around the neighborhood and made their mother worry. With the new house, they have a safe and comfortable place to play and study, and their grades in school are better.

The new house also solved the problems of the old house’s leaking roof and unstable walls. “You can’t imagine how grateful we are that we finally have a safe and comfortable place to live,” said Tanya. They also added an extra space to the kitchen and built a fully covered shower room, which greatly improved their daily living conditions.

Empowerment and hope

TECHO’s approach goes beyond providing housing, it empowers families to work toward their own goals. By asking families to pay a small fee (7% of the total cost of the home), TECHO encourages them to invest in their future. Through regular visits prior to construction, TECHO volunteers encourage families to set and achieve goals, fostering a sense of achievement and hope.

Community Impact

Providing decent housing in Oscar Gamez has a profound impact on the lives of residents. Improved living conditions extend beyond the physical structure, and also impact families’ outlook on life. With basic needs met, families like Tania’s can focus on their future and create a better life for themselves and their children.

in conclusion

Tanya’s story is a testament to the power of community and the impact of organizations like TECHO. Small initiatives like providing decent housing can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need. By working together, families and volunteers can create lasting change, turn hope into reality, and transform communities one family at a time.

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Categories: Biography
Source: svlsf.edu.vn

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