Owen Astalos- Biography, Facts and Life Story


gender male
full name Owen Astalos
Profession actor
Country of Citizenship Hungary
place of birth Reading, Pennsylvania
release date May 4, 2021 at 7:59 pm




Owen Astralis Education

Education: Bachelor

Owen Astaroth’s career

Occupation: Actor

Representative works: Patterson 2016

Net worth: Approximately $1 million

Family and relatives

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Marital status: Single

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Owen Astaros?

Owen Asztalos is a Hungarian actor born on July 28, 2024 in Reading, Pennsylvania.

How old is Owen Asztalos?

As of July 2024, Owen Asztalos is 0 years old.

How tall is Owen Astaroth?

Owen Asztalos has a height of 5 feet 6 inches (1.7 m).

Categories: Best Hollywood Actors
Source: svlsf.edu.vn

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