Donna Munshi biography, actress, age, resume, photos, web series, tv series

Donna Munshi biography, actress, age, resume, photos, web series, tv seriesDonna Munshi biography, actress, age, resume, photos, web series, tv series

Donna Munshi Biography

Donna Munshi is an Indian actress who was born in 1996 (27 years old) in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Millions of men are obsessed with this cute girl. She also has a great body. She completed her education in the United States. Dear viewers, please read this article till the end to know Donna Munshi’s Biography, Education, Early Life, Career, Height, Wiki, Hot Photos, Bio, Feet, Family, Boyfriend, Husband Name, CV, Lifestyle, Body Measurements, Movies and TV Shows etc. Donna is mainly known for her role as “Ayesha” in the web series “Khoon Bhari Maang”.

Donna Munshi Biography

Name Donna Munch
Profession actor
Country of Citizenship India
Nick name Donna
Birth (date of birth) 1996
age 27 years
place of birth Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
constellation Leo
hometown Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Hobby Travel, fitness, shopping, dancing
Awards not any
School unknown
University unknown
qualifications graduate
Mother’s name unknown
Father’s name unknown
Sister/Brother’s Name unknown
marital status unmarried
Boyfriend’s name unknown
Husband’s name unknown
children unknown
high 165 cm (1.65 m) 5 ft 5 in
weight 55 kg (120 lbs)
Eye Color Light brown
hair color Brown
Graphic size Light brown
Clothing Size 36 (EU)
Foot size 7
feature Curvy body
Instagram Instagram
Facebook @DonnaMunshi
Twitter @DonnaMunshi
Internet Movie Database (IMDb) Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

Donna Munch Early Life and Career

Donna made her debut in 2016 with the short film Arrangement: What to Arrange? In 2017, she played the role of “Naina” in the web series Maaya. In 2018, she also played the role of “Tasneem” in the film Karwaan.

Movie List

2016 – Arrangements: What to arrange? (Angelia)

2018 – Karwaan (Tasneem)

List of web series

2017- Maaya: Slave of Desire (Naina/Sonia’s friend)

2021 – Indian Festival (Reshma)

2022 – Follower (Parveen)

2022 – Jaal (Nidhi)

2022 – Khoon Bhari Maang (Ayesha)

2022 – Jabran (Shalini)

Disclaimer: Donna Munshi’s Biography, Age, Height, Body Measurements, Bio, Feet and Wiki will be updated soon. All the information is collected from various websites/media reports. Our website does not guarantee that the data is 100% accurate.

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