Khushi Dubey biography, actress, age, resume, photos, web series, movies, tv series

Khushi Dubey biography, actress, age, resume, photos, web series, movies, serialsKhushi Dubey biography, actress, age, resume, photos, web series, movies, serials

Khushi Dubey Biography/Wiki

Khushi Dubey is an Indian actress who was born on 24 April 2001 (22 years old) in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. She also has a great figure. She completed her education in the US. Dear viewers, please read this article till the end to know about Khushi Dubey’s Biography, Education, Early Life, Career, Height, Wiki, Hot Photos, Bio, Feet, Family, Boyfriend, Husband Name, Bio, Lifestyle, Body Measurements, Movies and TV Shows etc. Khushi is mainly known for her role as “Chikki Sharma” in the TV show “Aashiqana”.

Khushi Dubey Wiki/CV

Name Kush Dubey
Profession actor
Country of Citizenship India
Active for several years year 2006-
Nick name Kushi
Birth (date of birth) April 24, 2001
age 22 years
place of birth Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
constellation Gemini
hometown Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Hobby Travel, fitness, shopping, dancing
Debut year 2006
Awards not any
School Thakur Vidya Mandir Secondary School and Junior College
University Thakur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai
qualifications Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Mother’s name Priti Dubey
Father’s name
Sisters name unknown
marital status unmarried
Boyfriend’s name unknown
Dark Brown unknown
children unknown
high 163 cm (1.63 m) 5 ft 4 in
weight 55 kg (121 lbs)
Eye Color Dirk Brown
hair color Brown
Graphic size 33D-24-34
Instagram Instagram
Facebook @KhushiDubey
Twitter @KhushiDubey
YouTube Video @KhushiDubey
Snapchat @KhushiDubey
Contact Email ID [email protected]

Khushi Dubey Early Life and Career

Millions of men are obsessed with this lovely girl. Khushi Dubey started her acting career in 2006 with the movie Ankahee. In 2008, she played the role of “Amrita” in the TV show Naaginn: Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa. In 2015, Khushi also played the role of “Putlu Mehra” in the movie Dil Dhadakne Do.

Khushi Dubey Movies and TV Shows

Movie Title Role
Ankahee in 2006 Baby Sheena
Namastey London 2007 Kid (as Baby Khushi)
2013 Bombay Talkies actor
Dil Dhadakne Do in 2015 Putru Mehra
Didiya K De Waal Dir Le Guer 2023 actor

Khushi Dubey TV Show

TV Show Name Role
Sangam 2007 Ganga Bhatia (Bebo)
Naaginn: Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa 2008 Amrita
Tumhara Ansh Hoon in 2010 actor
Aashiqana in 2022 Chiki Sharma

Disclaimer: Khushi Dubey’s Biography, Age, Height, Body Measurements, Resume, Feet, Wiki will be updated soon. All information is collected from various websites/media reports. Our website does not guarantee that the data is 100% accurate.

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