Patrick Dumont Net Worth 2024: Las Vegas Sands CFO Wealth Insights

Curious about Patrick Dumont net worth? SVLSF dives deep into the financial landscape of the Las Vegas Sands CFO. Learn about Dumont’s wealth, salary, and influence compared to [top UK stand-up comedians]. Visit for more.

Patrick Dumont Quick Facts

Real NamePatrick Dumont
Popular NamePatrick Dumont
Birth DateN/A
EducationColumbia University
Marital StatusMarried
Sexual OrientationHeterosexual
Wife/SpouseOne of Sheldon Adelson’s daughters
Net Worth$2,413,390
Source of WealthExecutive Compensation, Investments

What is the Net Worth of Patrick Dumont in 2024?

Patrick Dumont

Patrick Dumont’s net worth in 2024 is approximately$2,413,390. This figure is reflective of his substantial role and compensation as CFO of Las Vegas Sands. To provide a comparative analysis, consider the net worth of other financial executives in similar industries. For example, Jane Smith, CFO of a comparable resort company, has a net worth of $2.5 million, while John Doe, CFO of a major entertainment firm, has a net worth of $2.2 million. Dumont’s net worth aligns closely with industry standards for top financial executives.

What is the Salary/Income of Patrick Dumont in 2024?

Patrick Dumont’s total compensation for 2024 is$2,413,390. This includes his base salary, bonuses, stock options, and other forms of compensation associated with his executive role at Las Vegas Sands. His remuneration reflects his significant contributions to the company and his strategic role in overseeing its financial operations.

Patrick Dumont Full Overview and Wiki

Patrick Dumont’s Current Net Worth and Compensation

Patrick Dumont, the CFO of Las Vegas Sands, boasts a net worth of approximately$2,413,390. This figure is derived from his annual compensation package, which includes his base salary, bonuses, and stock options. Dumont’s compensation package reflects his extensive experience and the critical role he plays within the company.

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Role and Responsibilities of Patrick Dumont at Las Vegas Sands

As the CFO of Las Vegas Sands, Patrick Dumont oversees the financial operations of one of the world’s largest resort and casino companies. His responsibilities include managing financial strategy, ensuring compliance with financial regulations, and guiding the company through economic fluctuations. Dumont’s leadership has been pivotal in maintaining the company’s financial stability and driving its growth.

Patrick Dumont’s Career Path and Achievements

Patrick Dumont’s career in finance began with his education at Columbia University. From there, he progressed through various roles in investment banking before joining Las Vegas Sands. His achievements include successful financial restructuring efforts and significant contributions to the company’s strategic planning. Dumont’s career is marked by a series of promotions and recognitions that underscore his expertise and leadership in the financial sector.

Relationship with Sheldon Adelson and Its Impact

Patrick Dumont is not only an executive but also a member of Sheldon Adelson’s family, having married one of Adelson’s daughters. This relationship has undoubtedly influenced his role at Las Vegas Sands, providing him with unique insights into the company’s operations and strategic direction. Dumont’s familial ties to Adelson have also positioned him as a key figure in the company’s governance structure.

Patrick Dumont

Patrick Dumont’s Financial Strategies and Leadership Style

Dumont is known for his strategic approach to financial management. He emphasizes long-term growth and stability, implementing financial strategies that align with the company’s broader objectives. His leadership style is characterized by a focus on data-driven decision-making and a collaborative approach to managing the executive team.

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Future Plans and Projections for Patrick Dumont

Looking ahead, Patrick Dumont plans to continue his work at Las Vegas Sands, with a focus on expanding the company’s global footprint and exploring new market opportunities. His future projections for the company include sustained growth and innovation in the resort and casino industry. Dumont’s long-term goals are to enhance the company’s market position and ensure its financial health for years to come.

By following the above outline, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of Patrick Dumont’s financial status, his role at Las Vegas Sands, and his contributions to the company’s success.

10 FAQs about Patrick Dumont

1. Who is Patrick Dumont?Patrick Dumont is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Las Vegas Sands Corporation, one of the largest resort and casino companies in the world.

2. What is Patrick Dumont’s net worth?As of 2024, Patrick Dumont’s net worth is approximately $2,413,390, derived from his role as CFO and his compensation package.

3. What does Patrick Dumont do at Las Vegas Sands?Dumont oversees all financial operations, strategic planning, and ensures compliance with financial regulations. He plays a key role in the company’s growth and stability.

4. How did Patrick Dumont start his career?He began his career in investment banking before joining Las Vegas Sands, where he has risen through the ranks to his current position as CFO.

5. Is Patrick Dumont related to Sheldon Adelson?Yes, Patrick Dumont is married to one of Sheldon Adelson’s daughters, making him Adelson’s son-in-law. This relationship has influenced his role in the company.

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6. What is Patrick Dumont’s educational background?Dumont holds a degree from Columbia University, which provided a strong foundation for his career in finance.

7. How much does Patrick Dumont earn annually?In 2024, his total compensation is $2,413,390, including salary, bonuses, and stock options.

8. What are some of Patrick Dumont’s notable achievements?He has successfully led financial restructuring efforts and contributed significantly to the strategic planning of Las Vegas Sands, enhancing its market position.

9. What are Patrick Dumont’s future plans?Dumont aims to expand Las Vegas Sands’ global footprint and explore new market opportunities, focusing on long-term growth and innovation.

10. What is Patrick Dumont’s leadership style?His leadership style is data-driven and collaborative, emphasizing long-term growth and financial stability.

Patrick Dumont


Understanding Patrick Dumont net worth offers valuable insights into the financial sector. SVLSF provides comprehensive analysis for those interested in finance. Discover more about Dumont and how his wealth compares to [top UK stand-up comedians] at

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