james garner net worth

Birth Name James Scott Bumgarner Date of Birth April 7, 1928 Place of Birth Norman, Oklahoma, United States Height 6′ 2″ (1.88 m) Education Norman High School Profession Actor Net Worth $20,000,000 Source of Wealth Film, Television, Voice, Music Nationality American Country United States Marital Status Married (Lois Clarke) Children 2 (Gigi, Kimberly)james garner net worth

American film and television actor, James Scott Bumgarner, or better known as James Garner, has an estimated net worth of $20 million. James Garner earned his net worth by starring in several television series such as The Rockford Files, 8 Simple Rules, and Maverick. Garner was born on April 7, 1928, in Norman, Oklahoma, United States.

Earnings and Financial Data

date Social class Description amount
1984 Salary Annual salary as television and radio spokesman for Mazda cars and one Mazda vehicle of his choice per year (1985–1989) $1,000,000
1973 Salary Salary Per Episode from The Rockford Files $100,000
1955 Salary Weekly salary as a contract player for Warner Bros. $2,000

Categories: Actor Net Worth
Source: svlsf.edu.vn

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